7 research outputs found


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    In 2017, Indonesian chili production reached 1.8 million tons. The predicted consumption of chili in 2019 is 424.739 thousand tons. Chili is a staple commodity that also affects the Indonesian economy due to high market demand. One of them is chilli consumption in the culinary field. High market demand is not followed by adequate chili stocks due to crop failure, resulting in soaring chili prices. It was proven that in June 2019, chili was a contributor to Indonesia's inflation of 0.20% from 0.55%. One factor in crop failure is malnutrition. In this study, the aim is to explore Deep Learning Technology in agriculture to help farmers be able to diagnose their crops so they are not malnourished. Using the RCNN algorithm as the architecture of this system. Use 270 datasets in 4 categories. The dataset used is primary data with chilli samples in Boyolali Regency, Indonesia. The chillies we use are curly chillies. The results of this study are computers can recognize nutrient deficiencies in chilli plants based on image input received with the greatest testing accuracy of 82.61%


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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) adalah usaha yang dijalankan oleh perorangan, rumah tangga, atau badan usaha kecil. Klasifikasi UMKM biasanya dilakukan dengan batasan omzet per tahun, jumlah kekayaan atau aset, dan jumlah karyawan. Dalam hal pengelolaan keuangan, tidak sedikit keuangan usaha mikro yang terintegrasi dengan keuangan pribadi para perintis. Artinya, usaha mikro belum menerapkan sistem yang profesional. Seiring berjalannya waktu, hal ini menjadi bom waktu bagi UMKM, sehingga perhitungan stok barang dan transaksi barang tidak dapat terpantau dengan baik. Melihat permasalahan yang umumnya dialami oleh UMKM, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini akan mengimplementasikan penelitian yang telah dilakukan penulis yaitu dengan menerapkan aplikasi Point of Sales pada UMKM. Implementasi awal telah diujikan pada mitra UMKM di Purbalingga yaitu Alima Makmur, unit usaha yang bergerak di bidang penjualan cat. Guna mengetahui lebih dalam manfaat yang didapat dari implementasi ini maka dilakukan kepada UMKM lain yaitu Forum ecoprint Purbalingga. Adapun hasilnya 4 dari 5 mitra UMKM Forum ecoprint telah berhasil dalam kemandirian penggunaan aplikasi post of sales

    Deep Learning Detected Nutrient Deficiency in Chili Plant

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    Chili is a staple commodity that also affects the Indonesian economy due to high market demand. Proven in June 2019, chili is a contributor to Indonesia's inflation of 0.20% from 0.55%. One factor is crop failure due to malnutrition. In this study, the aim is to explore Deep Learning Technology in agriculture to help farmers be able to diagnose their plants, so that their plants are not malnourished. Using the RCNN algorithm as the architecture of this system. Use 270 datasets in 4 categories. The dataset used is primary data with chili samples in Boyolali Regency, Indonesia. The chili we use are curly chili. The results of this study are computers that can recognize nutrient deficiencies in chili plants based on image input received with the greatest testing accuracy of 82.61% and has the best mAP value of 15.57%

    Meranti Island E-Government Master Plan: A Root Cause and SWOT Analysis

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    The government has established a development program for the development of Information and Communication Technology with the term e-government. The implementation of e-government in government governance and public services certainly requires the use of information and communication technology (ICT) along with reliable human resources to manage it. There is still a reasonably high gap between the EBGS maturity level of the central agency and the index, and the local government is a challenge for the Meranti Islands Regency. To realize its vision and mission, the Meranti Islands Regency has made various efforts for transparency, accountability, good governance, and efficiency of government administration supported through ICT. The purpose of this research is the mapping of ICT utilization data in Meranti Islands Regency and the results of the identification of the obstacles that occur using GAP Analysis. GAP analysis uses Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and SWOT analysis for its analysis. The GAP analysis results show that based on the SWOT analysis, 18 strengths, 19 weaknesses, 12 opportunities, and 12 thread ats in the application of ICT are obtained, which are divided into 6 components. Based on the Root Cause Analysis, it was found that the main problem was caused by the low capacity of human resources in the application of ICT, as well as insufficient hardware/software requirements. For the study results study, it can be concluded that a SWOT analysis equipped with Root Cause Analysis can be used for strategic planning for implementing EBGS in the next fiveyears


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    WANI LEmPER (Wanita Melek Perencanaan) merupakan upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan partisipasi perempuan dalam pembangunan desa Logede Kabupaten Kebumen melalui pemahaman dan pembekalan dalam perencanaan desa. Program ini bertujuan untuk mendorong wanita agar aktif dan berpengaruh dalam seluruh tahapan pembangunan desa, mulai dari perencanaan hingga evaluasi. Pengenalan proses perencanaan desa dianggap efektif dalam menginspirasi partisipasi yang berarti dari wanita dalam penganggaran, pelaksanaan, pemantauan, dan evaluasi pembangunan desa. Program ini merupakan bentuk pelayanan inklusif yang bertujuan membekali wanita dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk berperan aktif dalam perencanaan desa, dengan harapan mereka dapat memengaruhi kebijakan pembangunan desa. Dalam rangka mendukung semangat WANI LEmPER, dibuatlah aplikasi PERMATA (Perbincangan Emak-Emak untuk Membangun Desa). Aplikasi ini berfungsi sebagai platform diskusi khususnya perempuan, untuk mengaspirasikan usulan-usulan terkait pembangunan desa. Aplikasi PERMATA telah dapat diunduh dan sudah didaftarkan di Play Store, dan mendukung perempuan desa dalam menyampaikan aspirasi mereka. Program WANI LEmPER dan aplikasi PERMATA menjadi embrio inovasi baru dalam memperkuat pemberdayaan perempuan dalam pembangunan desa, sejalan dengan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) terkait Keterlibatan Perempuan Desa yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Desa dan PDTT. Keseluruhan upaya ini mendukung penguatan partisipasi wanita dalam merumuskan dan mengawal pembangunan desa secara efisien, efektif, dan real-time

    Design of Smart Gamification In Village Tourism: An Indonesian Case Study

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    Community interest in tours is very high. The benefits of tourist destinations in Indonesia finally form three patterns, namely natural, cultural, and human-made. City and village tourism are very popular with the community because of the high interest of the community to capture the moments of Instagram able and viral tourism spots. One of them is village tourism. For people who are educated with life in the village, it is necessary to make it more interesting with gamification. In this stud, the aim was to change the pattern of visitors' activities, which initially only took pictures but were also invited to explore the village potential through a mobile application. Also, this study is used to improve and help preserve and introduce village tourism potential. Gamification can be an alternative to developing village tourism potential. A common occurrence in tourist villages is a lack of management innovation to add village tourism potential to visitors further. Village tourism potential that can be developed is mobile-based village education. This activity is an education that contains planting plants. The results of this application are of rice planting and fruit picking games. Each set consists of two levels. Level 1 contains educational games and level 2 games about team cohesiveness. Each game will offer a reward. The rewards that we design are based on prizes that are liked by elementary school students